Monday, March 07, 2005

Magazine Review: The Plain Truth

I'm the librarian at my church, and when I took up the task, I decided to order some magazine subscriptions. Entranced by the fascinating story of the transformation of the World Wide Church of God from a heretical cult to an orthodox, if wierd, Christian denomination, I ordered a year of The Plain Truth. It is an impressive magazine and is suitable for every Protestant church library.

The Plain Truth was started by WWCG founder Herbert W. Armstrong and was an important organ of that organization's dissemination of heretical thought. After the revolution within that denomination, The Plain Truth was spun off into an independent organization not directly controlled by the WWCG.

The magazine is confrontational in style, addressing Christian contraversies head-on, such as reparations for slavery, Christian voting, and homosexuality. It features many articles and editorials which attack legalism, which is probably a reflection of its Armstrongist origin (Armstrongism has a legalistic salvation).

The Plain Truth is an outstanding Christian magazine, and merits much higher circulation that it is getting. The first year is free. Your church should subscribe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was in the WCG from 1976-2001 and have subscribed to The Plain Truth since 1971. I have posted some thoughts on my WCG experience at