Saturday, April 16, 2005

Keep Your Hands Off Her Breasts!

Jacob Sullum:

For decades members of the National Organization for Women and other groups that support abortion rights have been urging politicians to "keep your hands off our bodies!" Today women who want to enhance their appearance with silicone breast implants can justly turn this slogan against NOW, which is pro-choice on abortion but anti-choice on cosmetic surgery.

NOW President Kim Gandy says the controversy over whether the Food and Drug Administration should allow wider use of silicone breast implants, which are currently limited mainly to reconstructive surgery following mastectomies, is about "science and medicine." But while science can tell us (in theory) what risks the implants pose, it cannot tell us whether the risks are justified.

Different women will answer that question differently, depending upon their values, tastes, and circumstances. In sharp contrast with its position on abortion, however, NOW argues that they should not be allowed to do so. [empahsis added]

Not suprising. NOW is no longer concerned with women being free to rule their own lives, but only compelling women to conform to their image of the modern woman.

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