Wednesday, April 13, 2005

A Sense of Proportion

On the NRO today:

Last time I checked, activist federal judges weren't riding into towns on horseback, whoopin' and a-hollerin', burning crosses on lawns and lynching folks for no good reason.

I bring this up for the benefit of James Dobson, who needs to spend a couple minutes breathing into a brown paper bag before he does his next radio show.

It's not just the consistent piercing insight, but his rhetorical flourish, that makes Jonah Goldberg the best columnist writing today.


Jeff the Baptist said...

Last time I checked, activist federal judges weren't riding into towns on horseback, whoopin' and a-hollerin', burning crosses on lawns and lynching folks for no good reason.

Eh the metaphor is pretty mixed. Last I checked cowboys didn't burn crosses on lawns, the reference to which turns "lynching" from a misguided demand for justice to racist mob violence.

The activist federal judge is the "big man" villian of the western in any case. He has the system working for him so he doesn't need to whoop or holler, he just sends his hired guns out to execute his desires with orders from his bench.

John said...

I don't think that it's a reference to cowboys, but to mounted Klansmen. Perhaps we should consult an expert on the subject.