Monday, June 20, 2005

Changes to the Methodist Candidacy Process

Well, the Florida Annual Conference has come and gone and thankfully, there have been changes to the ministry candidacy process. As one beginning this ordeal, I am pleased. Even by UMC standards, the Florida Conference has an especially vigorous screening process because the applicant pool is large. Many pastors from other conferences are fond of moving down to this godforsaken swamp, as they otherwise cannot experience the joys of finding an alligator in your backyard, a watermoccasin in your garage, or spiders the size of your hand in bed. I suppose that our muggy weather is also an appealing aspect of Florida life and inspires these pastors to leave their snake-deprived parishes up north for our dear state.

What was I talking about? Oh, yes! The candidacy process. Well, it has been loosened up a bit, in three critical ways:

1. The criminal background search will remain in place. The random 'body cavity' searches, however, will cease.

2. The guidelines of The Book of Discipline will be followed. The Board of Ordained Ministry will continue to be the governing body over the candidacy process. The Board of Candidate Discipline (pictured below), however, will be phased out within the quadrennial. This move is expected to be controversial with mentors and Staff-Parish Relations Committee chairmen.

3. The passing score for the Communion Wine Chugging Contest will be lowered to one quart per five minutes. An exception will be made for Candler School of Theology students who, due to the vigorous standards of their seminary, will be expected to consume an equal amount in three minutes (if you know Candler grads, you understand why).

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