Thursday, June 09, 2005

A Logical Conundrum

Thus speaks Sven:


1. If you butter a slice of toast and then drop it, it lands butter side down, always.

2. Cats always land on their feet.


If I strapped a slice of buttered toast to the back of a cat, and dropped the cat from a height of about 8-10 feet, would the cat land

a) butter side down
b) cat feet side down


c) some sort of compromise where the cat lands on it side?

The proper course of action is to engage in experimentation. It's time to round up some cats.


opinionated said...

Alright, butterfingers, just hang on to your toast. Butter and eat it over the table. Or forget the butter and lose weight.

Forget the experiment or the retaliation by PETA will make the Taliban look like a peace march.

Richard H said...

Most likely the whole will be greater (i.e., different) from the sum of the parts. When two elements with distinct properties are combined, the resulting compound may display properties of either - or something entirely different.