Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Outcome of the 2006 Elections

Although the Democrats are doing tremendous damage to themselves by letting people like Sen. Durbin open their mouths, the Republicans are eager to join in the politically self-destructive behavior (enter James Dobson, stage far right) on their own end of the political spectrum.

The 2006 Congressional elections will not be about Iraq, the economy, personality, or issues. It will be won or lost based upon which party can do the most damage to itself in the remaining year and a half.


John said...

Maybe we should get Dean and Durbin to go against Dobson and Rove in a no-holds-bard tag-team iron cage match. The winner gets exactly 51% of the contested congressional seats for their party plus the govenor's office in both Ohio and New Mexico.

We could let Al Franken and Sean Hannity call the match live from Gitmo and the pay-per-view revenue would be slpit into the coffers of the 2008 Presidential Candidates of both parties.

Chris said...

Dobson has some excellent things to say about child-rearing. I am sorry that he now feels compelled to use his platform to sound off on every political issue that comes down the pike. In my view, it diminishes an effective ministry.

John said...

I find Dobson's extreme statism scary. Have strong moral/religious positions -- fine. But when you use government force to back them up, you lose me.

Anyway, John has the right idea. Let's resolve these matters with violence. If politics can't be productive, it might as well at least be entertaining.

John said...


Well said. As a parent and a youth worker and pastor, I have long used (and will continue to use) Focus On The Family materials to help my own family and the families I serve.

But Dr. Dobson's politics are dangerous to say the least. What he is doing doesn't just hurt his ministry, but also hurts many other ministries as well. I hate to say it because I respect him so much, but he's giving traditional Christianity a black eye. (And I know that if he realized this, it would grieve him deeply.)

Sam said...

I believe James Dobson is interested in political issues as they realte to his calling, which is the advocacy of the family. He has been given a powerful platform to protect this institution and believes that rogue judges are a means Satan has used and is using to threaten it.