Thursday, August 18, 2005

The PCUSA Decision to Divest from Israel

James Lileks on the decision of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to divest from Israel:

But they're not anti-Semites. Heavens, nay. Don't you dare question their philosemitism! No, they looked at the entire world, including countries that lop off your skull if you convert to Presbyterianism, and what did they choose as the object of their ire? A country the size of a potato chip hanging on the edge of a region noted for despotism and barbarity. By some peculiar coincidence, it happens to be full of Jews.

This is rather unfair. Israel would not be the target of divestment movements if it did not strap bombs onto the backs of its children and dispatch them into Palestinian markets, buses, and cafes to blow themselves up. And it's well known that the Israeli government trains its young from birth to yearn for the annihilation of all Palestinians, which is the clear objective of that state. Given these factors and the hate-spewing lies that Israeli media pour out on a daily basis (such as the myth that Palestinian imams bake pastries out of the blood of Jewish babies during Ramadam) make the possibility of an internal Israeli peace movement nil.

Let's face it -- compared to the democratic and peaceful nations of China, Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Cuba, Israel is the most despotic nation on earth. Now they're getting what's coming to them.

Hat tip: Jeff the Baptist


Jody Harrington said...

One of the really stupid things about the whole PCUSA divestment "policy" is that there has been no divestment and no divestment is imminent. Yet the denomination gets all the bad press, many members are outraged while the bureaucrats in Louisville get to feel self-righteous. Don't let the Methodists fall into this trap.

John said...

Is Louisville the HQ of the PCUSA?

Jody Harrington said...

Yes--sorry I forgot I was commenting on a Methodist blog. I should have identified it.