Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Some of you who check in regularly here would be interested in a webring that was recently created called "RevGalBlogPals". You can access it easily here, just click on the webring on the right hand sidebar.

This group (of which I am a member) is a loose confederation of blogs written by women who are ordained ministers (the RevGals) and women discerning a call to ministry or who feel an affinity for the RevGals (the BlogPals like me). One of the organizers of this group is the Reverend Mommy, a Methodist who has been profiled here.

Denominational affiliations other than Methodist, include Presbyterian, Episcopalian, UCC, United Church of Canada, Lutheran, and even a curate in the Church of England! There is also a wide range of ages and life experiences represented by the writers of these blogs. The posts are as varied as the writers and include devotional, theological, political, societal, and personal themes.

And because girls just wanna have fun, there are "RevGalBlogPals" t-shirts, mugs and totes available for purchase in our own online store. Check out the "Does this pulpit make my butt look too big?" mug. Since I don't have a pulpit, I settled for the mundane version.

There are 42 members of the ring as of this writing, and more to come. Since BlogPals is gender neutral, the group welcomes any persons of the male persuasion who would like to join.
So John, when you get settled in Orlando--how about it?


John said...

I'll think about it. I'm currently of the male persuasion, but I might be persuaded otherwise in the future.

reverendmother said...

Thanks for the plug, Grace!

You all should know that for each item sold, $1 will be donated to the Heifer Project.

We are also on the lookout for fun God-related quotes and designs to put on stuff. If anyone has any suggestions, please e-mail me.

Jody Harrington said...

Thanks, reverendmother. I'm sorry I forgot to mention the Heifer Project!

Lisa said...

The RevGalBlogPals rock! And so does the Heifer Project. I may have to go shopping. :)