Friday, September 02, 2005

Rebuked By My Own Breed

Regular readers may be amused to learn that my libertarian credentials are being questioned as I am proving insufficiently utopianist over in two comment threads in Catallarchy. The most current debate is privatizing the police. I'm against it, as its potential for abuse is monumental. I mean, if you neighbor is richer than you, then he can directly enforce his law on you, whatever that might be if law enforcement was privatized.

My anarchist opponents point out looting by New Orleans police and various other police abuse scandals as proof that liberal democracy is indistinguishable from totalitarianism. After all, a few cops acting corruptly creates as dangerous a society as one that builds death camps to slaughter unwelcome minority populations.

I may comment again in this thread in Catallarchy, but once you place these two forms of government on the same moral plane, debate becomes frivolous. Folks, the Drug War is bad, but this ain't Nazi Germany.

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