Monday, October 31, 2005

Beth Stroud Defrocked

Lesbian UMC pastor Beth Stroud was definatively defrocked via court ruling this morning. For their own unique perspectives, be sure to check out the Methoblogosphere's own gay bloggers.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I didn't know that John Wilks was a "gay blogger." His profile says he is married and has a child. Does his wife know about this, does his Bishop? You have either exposed him or you can expect to hear from his lawyer.

John said...

I'm not worried. He goes to Asbury. He can't afford a lawyer.

John said...

No, I'm an ex-gay of sorts.

Actually, I never had any sexual incounters of the same gender.

But as a teen, I had a bisexual orietation. But God is good and I'm very well blessed with a godly wife and a young son and I couldn't be happier.