Friday, October 28, 2005

Methodist Blogger Profile: Ben Thomas

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Ben Thomas of Sojourner's Journal

My name is Ben Thomas, I am a pastor in The Wesleyan Church. I pastor Mt. Moriah Wesleyan Church in Candler, North Carolina (just outside of Asheville). I am married to Tiffany and we have a son named Cole who is 10 months old. I grew up in Ohio and Indiana, attended Indiana Wesleyan University and Asbury Theological Seminary.

Why do you blog?
For personal growth, through the writing of my thoughts, and connection to others.

What has been your best blogging experience?
I love to get conversations going. Anytime that happens it is great.

What would be your main advice to a novice blogger?
Keep blogging. I have found out that I go through “dry spells” but the discipline of blogging is spiritually healthy, much like a journal, but different.

If you could read only three blogs a day, what would they be?
Ben Witherington, Alan Creech, Monastic Mumblings.

Who are your spiritual heroes?
Jesus of Nazareth, John Wesley, Henri Nouwen, My Father.

What are you reading at the moment?
“Ancient Future Time” by Robert Webber.

What is your favorite hymn and why?
And Can it Be – Because it rocks; both my heart and my mind.

Can you name a major moral, political, or intellectual issue on which you've ever changed your mind?
Not any specific issue lately, but I can say that I have become more and more aware of the influence of the Republican party in Conservative Evangelicalism.

What philosophical thesis do you think is most important to combat?
The thesis that began in the garden, “We can be like God”, or “We don’t need God”.

If you could affect one major change in the governing of your country, what would it be?
I am unsure. I do know that we need a return to justice and compassion.

If you could affect one major policy change in the Wesleyan Church, what would it be?
I would take many of the Covenant Membership Requirements out.

What would be your most important piece of advice about life?
“For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” – the Apostle Paul

What, if anything, do you worry about?
My vocational performance.

If you were to relive your life to this point, is there anything that you'd do differently?
I would give more of myself to God daily.

Where would you most like to live (other than where you do now)?
Indianapolis, Indiana

What do you like doing in your spare time?
Spend time with my wife and son, read, sports, video games.

What is your most treasured possession?
I enjoy my personal library very much.

What musical talent would you most like to have?
Anything musical; guitar, piano, drums.

If you could have any three guests, past or present, to dinner, who would they be?
Jesus of Nazareth, John Wesley, St. Patrick.


Anonymous said...

A Wesleyan, I used to be a Wesleyan. I am surprised there is a place in The Wesleyan Church for an Emergent. Things sure have changed since my Wesleyan days.

Unknown said...

You are partially right Craig. There is space for an Emergent, but it is not a very big space. Even so, to quote Popeye, "I yam what I yam".

Lenny Luchetti said...

Hey Ben, sorry to get a hold of you this way...but I don' have your phone number (Amy accidentally deleted it thinking I already had your number). Give us a call.

