Friday, December 09, 2005

The [Yawn] War for Christmas


I can turn on a TV and see Seasons Greetings from my local TV news. I can be told to have a Happy Hanukkah, a Kooky Kwansaa, a Riotous Ramadan. Well excused me, but you missed one. I may be the majority, but that is no excuse to discriminate against me. All I'm asking for is some equal time. Don't stop wishing people a Happy Hanukkah, but please slip a Merry Christmas into the rotation. It won't kill you. The other folks won't be offended, because with 98% of the US population celebrating Christmas, the other 2% knows when it's Christmas time. They aren't stupid. They've noticed even if it is just to pencil in December 25 for "Jews Eat Chinese and Go to the Movies" Day.

The elimination of "Merry Christmas" irritated me even as an atheist -- because it appeared to be an attack on the traditional culture that I appreciated. I don't get too lathered up about it. The Christian faith will not stand nor fall on advertisers saying "Season's Greetings." In fact, as history shows, a little persecution wouldn't be bad for the Church.

In other news, this is a guy to watch.


John said...
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John said...

I followed the link where I read the following line:

"We're all relevant, and that's what matters."

Uh, really?

Casual clothes, an iPod and pleanty of pop culture references- being relevant- that is what works for good preaching?

Then someone please explain John the Baptist to me- because unless my image of wardobe and living conditions for the average Jew in the 1st century, I'd say ol' John looked and lived as "out of touch" as anyone.

Sure, John understood the culture he lived in well enough to preach to it, but there is a very big difference between understanding and conforming.

Anyone who places relevance to pop culture as the main goal for pastors (over and above solid theology, good preaching skills, and the ability to show agape to God's people) is at high risk of becoming unsalty salt.

Anonymous said...

john_wilks: The article is a spoof. I read it serious until I saw the links at the top: "Email the story", "Printer Ready", "For the Hearing Impaired", "For Eunuchs". Click on the hearing impaired and the article is read by a guy in deep voice. Click on Eunuchs and, well, apparently a eunuch reads the article.

Look to the other "stories" and you'll get some real laughers.

John said...

Oops! Missed that.

I guess that will teach me to read and respond to blog posts early in the morning before I've had my coffee.