Monday, January 23, 2006

Subliminal Advertising

I don't know much about Canadian politics, but I have read of a controversial 30-second spot blasting Conservative PM candidate Stephen Harper as a Bush crony.

Fortunately, you don't need to know much about Canadian politics to find these parodies hilarious.

Hat tip.


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Gord said...

Actually the line about Harper as a Bush crony springs from a speech he gave 8 years ago to a US Conservative think-tank. At the time Harper was head of a similar body in Canada. He spoke of the US conservative movement as something to be lauded and copied. ALso was on record that Canada should join the coalition of the willing and join in on ballistic missile defence. So it wasn't much of a stretch.

Of course there is always a question about how relevant quotes from 8 years ago. People change. And HArper isn't the government--the party is the government and the leader doesn't always get his/her way.

John said...

Thanks for the clarification, Gord.