Monday, March 13, 2006

Baptists vs. Methodists

You may have heard that several churches were recently burned in Alabama, most of the Baptist. The current suspects are students at a Methodist university, Birmingham Southern. Both of Alabama's bishops are putting distance between the UMC and these students. It's appropriate, as UMC colleges tend to Methodist in name only. Anyway, I have reason to avoid scrapping with Baptists.


Betty Newman said...

I first thought "Jeff the Baptist" might be a "Southern boy" and would have said that that was "normal" regardless of denomination - but alas, Jeff is from Deleware - one of those "tweener" states. They don't know if they are North or South...

On another note, I (as a female, believe it or not) have spoken TWICE this month in Baptist churches! Once from the pulpit! (Wow, that was a thrill!)

The second time was for a prayer breakfast. I told them how God had answered my prayer to send our Church a "Man of God" (now, before anyone hits the ceiling - my definition of a "Man of God" is in attitude only - could be male OR female!)

I also told them that by God answering my prayer, perhaps He actually performed a miracle (seeing that these folks are few and far between in our denomination...) when they snickered (as I knew they would) I said, "Watch it - I'm in my mission field here!" :-)


Jeff the Baptist said...

I'm a Delawarean now, but I was born in Pennsylvania. My background is decidedly Mid-Atlantic. I'm not even Southern by denomination.

Amybear and I were at a Methodist wedding this weekend. It was odd, mostly because I'm really not used to female officiants or Methodist liturgy. My pastor co-officiated and I'm guessing neither was he.

It's even odder is that my (male) friend married a (female) Methodist minister. I guess that makes him the pastor's wife? Very perplexing. I'm Baptist we don't like to think this hard. ;)

John said...

Most male spouses of Methodist clergy that I know jokingly refer to themselves as the 'pastor's wife'.

It makes the United Methodist Women's meetings go smoother.