Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Methodist Blogger Profile: Sally Coleman

Sally Coleman of
Eternal Echoes

Why do you blog?
I’ve always kept a journal so blogging seemed a natural progression; it is good to get feedback too. I find that as I blog things become clearer in my own mind, it provides a good forum for theological reflection.

What has been your best blogging experience?
The first time I realized someone had read my blog and liked what they’d read, it gave a sense of being connected and heard!

What would be your main advice to a novice blogger?
… I am a novice blogger but.. Be yourself! Simple as that

If you only had time to read three blogs a day, what would they be?
Hard question…Ummm, Revgals, Dave Warnock @42 and Lorna a@ See Through Faith.

Who are your spiritual heroes?
Amy Carmichael , C.T .Studd, and a whole collection of Celtic Saints – I believe their approach to life and method of evangelism is something we need to re-visit if not reclaim..

What are you reading at the moment?
Atonement for a sinless society by Alan Mann- it is challenging reading but very necessary to grapple with if we are going to present the gospel in the holistic way in our postmodern world.

What is your favorite hymn and why?
And Can it be- Charles Wesley- it was my membership hymn- albeit as a Congregationalist. I love the wonder it expresses at the grace of God verse by verse!

Can you name a major moral, political, or intellectual issue on which you've ever changed your mind?
I hope I am always growing and changing but two moral issues would be homosexuality and euthanasia, I read The Wrong Rooms by Mark Sanderson his human and compassionate telling of his story revealed very wonderful and compassionate human being- we too often walk blinkered through this world by our own prejudices and narrow thinking.

What philosophical thesis do you think is most important to combat?
Not sure it is a philosophical thesis, but the concept of Global village, this really exists only for the privileged few. For many information let alone travel is out of reach and quite possibly irrelevant.

If you could effect one major change in the governing of your country, what would it be?
Bringing in proportional representation to our voting system, I hope this would eliminate the two party dominance.

If you could effect one major change in the Methodist Church, what would it be?
Now that is a huge question- actually this answer is not about policy but about people- I want to see the laity empowered to be effective disciples, to feel are able to contribute to the life of the church, to be encouraged that they are being church at work at home and at school- in fact wherever they are… we have way too much emphasis on buildings and meetings and not enough on being the people God has called us to be. We need to concentrate on facilitating and releasing people to be ministers in the everyday sense… I could really rant on about this …. Enough said. For now!

What would be your most important piece of advice about life?
Be a whole person, remember to have fun, to find things you enjoy and are passionate about, look after your physical as well as your spiritual health

What, if anything, do you worry about?
My children… I am a worrying mother I hate to see them upset or hurt.

If you were to relive your life to this point, is there anything that you'd do differently?
I’d try to live more simply right from the start, I believe it is an important part of our witness that we live lives that contribute to the wellbeing of the planet and of others. I hope that my children will have grown up with a desire to recycle, to use energy efficient appliances and generally not to over consume.

Where would you most like to live (other than where you do now)?
Somewhere hot… I hat having cold feet, British winters are not good on that score.

What do you like doing in your spare time?
Walking, cycling and photography….I also love music but listen while I’m working so not sure that counts!

What is your most treasured possession?
Books- we always move more books than anything else I hate getting rid of books so I don’t!!! Don’t mess with my books!

What talent would you most like to have?
I’d love to learn to fly! Or hang glide crazy for someone afraid of heights!

If you could have any three guests, past or present, to dinner, who would they be?
Mother Theresa, Douglas Coupland and, Adrian Plass (with Bridget) – the conversation would be very interesting An alternative combination would be Dawn French in role as the Vicar of Dibley, N.T. Wright and Gandhi


Anonymous said...

loved these answers Sally. and you know what I hate cold feet too. That's the good thing about living in Finland
warm houses - shame you have to go outside in the winter though! (grin)

Patti said...

Nice to see you here, Sally!

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for being a worrying mother