Monday, June 12, 2006

Dean Snyder is Back!

Sort of, at least. Good eye, Gav.

UPDATE: I should clarify for the noobs. Dean Snyder was a big league Methoblogger but then disappeared after the first round of Judicial Council decisions about Beth Stroud and Ed Johnson. I guess that he was emotionally crushed by the verdicts.


Anonymous said...

Bring him on....I miss Dean, he always made Methdodist blogging more interesting.

gavin richardson said...

i think many of us miss his voice, agree or disagree, he made you think and brought about a number of great issues to think about

Theresa Coleman said...

Not the verdicts, I think, but the amount of vitrol being spewed by some.

Jim said...

Ditto Rev. Mommy

Greg Hazelrig said...

I agree...I think he got enough of the abuse against him. I, for one, disagreed with much of what he said, but would love to see him back.