Wet, tiring and crowded. We met at downtown FUMC Houston for the first time in a few years and we just don't fit there. Our lay delegate, who is recovering from a broken ankle, not only had to walk a long way from the hotel, but had to go up many steps and sometimes couldn't even find a seat.
Content-wise, conference was good. You can see some posts about it on my site.
Let me jump into my time machine, set the dial forward 11 days, and tell you...
The celebration of 50 years of ordination of women was mostly very good, but of course taken as an excuse to promote the "progressive" agenda and attack the Bush administration.
The retirement service was very moving, but of course taken as an excuse to promote the "progressive" agenda and attack the Bush administration.
We didn't finish voting on all resolutions.
Nothing was said about evangelism.
Those who oppose illegal immigration were made out to be bigots.
The electronic translation system for the delegation from Korea only worked half the time.
AC employees attending on the apportionment dime stayed at the on-site hotel, while lay members from far-away apportionment-paying congregations spent 2-4 hours a day commuting to the conference.
i'll tell you next week
Wet, tiring and crowded. We met at downtown FUMC Houston for the first time in a few years and we just don't fit there. Our lay delegate, who is recovering from a broken ankle, not only had to walk a long way from the hotel, but had to go up many steps and sometimes couldn't even find a seat.
Content-wise, conference was good. You can see some posts about it on my site.
Conference starts Wednesday. I am hoping to be blogging during some of the breaks.
Western PA Conference meets in Grove City, PA at Grove City College (a PCUSA institution) June 14-18.
Holston Conference will be June 11-14 at Lake Junaluska...I'll let you know.
Fabulous. But this year, I'm a bit biased ;)
Let me jump into my time machine, set the dial forward 11 days, and tell you...
The celebration of 50 years of ordination of women was mostly very good, but of course taken as an excuse to promote the "progressive" agenda and attack the Bush administration.
The retirement service was very moving, but of course taken as an excuse to promote the "progressive" agenda and attack the Bush administration.
We didn't finish voting on all resolutions.
Nothing was said about evangelism.
Those who oppose illegal immigration were made out to be bigots.
The electronic translation system for the delegation from Korea only worked half the time.
AC employees attending on the apportionment dime stayed at the on-site hotel, while lay members from far-away apportionment-paying congregations spent 2-4 hours a day commuting to the conference.
Many trees died needlessly.
We made plans to do it all again in 2007.
I'll tell you next Thursday.
Anonymous must be a member of the Iowa Conference, for I expect much the same to take place this week.
Annonymous could be from Missouri as well.
Kurt see you later this week...I am still trying to decide if that is a good or bad thing.
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