Wednesday, August 09, 2006

9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Oliver Stone's upcoming film on 9/11 is going to advance the conspiracy theory that only one plane, not four, was highjacked, struck all three buildings, and then crashed in southern Pennsylvania. Disgraceful.


Temujin said...

"I am the most important filmmaker working today," he added.

There are no words.

Oloryn said...

Isn't this about 4 months and 8 days late?

Temujin said...

Darned Onion, anyways!

Mark said...

I love the smell of Onion in the morning!

Anonymous said...

I'm a big Oliver Stone fan, and I watch his films for entertainment value. However, being not so far removed from 9/11, his opinion in the new film might wreck my fascination.

truevyne said...

Why, oh, why do I laugh at such tragedy?