Oliver Stone's upcoming film on 9/11 is going to advance the conspiracy theory that only one plane, not four, was highjacked, struck all three buildings, and then crashed in southern Pennsylvania. Disgraceful.
I'm a big Oliver Stone fan, and I watch his films for entertainment value. However, being not so far removed from 9/11, his opinion in the new film might wreck my fascination.
"I am the most important filmmaker working today," he added.
There are no words.
Isn't this about 4 months and 8 days late?
Darned Onion, anyways!
I love the smell of Onion in the morning!
I'm a big Oliver Stone fan, and I watch his films for entertainment value. However, being not so far removed from 9/11, his opinion in the new film might wreck my fascination.
Why, oh, why do I laugh at such tragedy?
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