Saturday, August 12, 2006

UMC Congregation Schisms Over Doctrine

Wedron United Methodist Church in Illinois split, taking 49 members and its pastor with it, according to this "My Web Times" website.

This appears to be the schismatic church's website.


Michael said...

Sad. I notice, however, that the problems they cite still exist. That they chose to separate themselves from it simply means that they are not willing to be a positive force from within. Maybe it was the best move for them, but I doubt it will serve as any sort of "wake up call". I doubt much of a ripple effect.

John said...

Yeah, the splinter church's website seems to accentuate the negative. Churches never thrive and grow -- nor even remain in the Spirit -- if they define themselves by what they are not, rather than what they are.

TN Rambler said...

From the HTML source, I get the impression that this is not the website of the church in question but the website of an affiliate of Donald Wildmon's American Family Association that tends to take positions that agree with the splinter church. A search of the whois database shows it to be registered to the AFA.

Richard Johnson said...

Now that's just silly.

Anonymous said...

They aren't the first church to do this recently. Check page 32 (third page in the document) of the minutes from the Desert Southwest Conference minutes

The church that left the denomination in this case paid to keep their building as it appears that the trust clause may not have held up in California courts.

They too left for a more conservative denomination (Calvary Chapel).