A Blog of Geek Eccentricities
Jim, the professional protestor, gets somewhat confused on which issue he's picketing.
Although he was eventually charged with pandering, Fred was never much of a success as a brothel owner.
The movement to legalize abortions for men never really caught on.
What? No, I'm just holding this for my hot protest-girl-friend. Honest. See, here's her purse too.
Bill was excited to have finally made it to the 2007 Gender Confusion Conference
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Jim, the professional protestor, gets somewhat confused on which issue he's picketing.
Although he was eventually charged with pandering, Fred was never much of a success as a brothel owner.
The movement to legalize abortions for men never really caught on.
What? No, I'm just holding this for my hot protest-girl-friend. Honest. See, here's her purse too.
Bill was excited to have finally made it to the 2007 Gender Confusion Conference
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