Today is World Communion Sunday. I switched our normal order for Holy Communion and did it after a sermon about that subject. I think that it went pretty well.
How did your church celebrate World Communion Sunday?
We had an excellent speaker who had worked in missions as a lay person - an older retired man, who quoted Neal Stephenson. You can't tell who anyone is by looking at them.
We celebrated the Eucharist as we usually, but in the invitation I reminded them that Christ's table extends around the world and throughout history. While it wasn't just yesterday, we celebrated that at Christ's table we are in communion with our brothers and sisters in Christ everywhere.
John - I'm curious about your normal order for communion. Where in the service do you place it and what is your reason for so placing it?
Tom -- normally communion comes in roughly the middle of the service, for no particular reason that I can discern. It it simply the tradition of this church to have communion as a free-standing activity.
We celebrated communion at both services and afterward assembled a team to take communion to our home-bound members and to the residents of a local nursing home.
My church had a guest preacher who also preached on the subject. I was out of town for a wedding.
Sadly, not with communion. Methinks we wuz unawares.
We had an excellent speaker who had worked in missions as a lay person - an older retired man, who quoted Neal Stephenson. You can't tell who anyone is by looking at them.
We celebrated the Eucharist as we usually, but in the invitation I reminded them that Christ's table extends around the world and throughout history. While it wasn't just yesterday, we celebrated that at Christ's table we are in communion with our brothers and sisters in Christ everywhere.
John - I'm curious about your normal order for communion. Where in the service do you place it and what is your reason for so placing it?
Tom -- normally communion comes in roughly the middle of the service, for no particular reason that I can discern. It it simply the tradition of this church to have communion as a free-standing activity.
Change takes time.
We celebrated communion at both services and afterward assembled a team to take communion to our home-bound members and to the residents of a local nursing home.
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