Saturday, December 15, 2007

What Do Mormons Believe?

It's a hot topic these days, thanks to Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Dale Tedder has a roundup of discussions about whether Mormons are Christians or not.

Here's a brief summary of Mormon beliefs. It's either from South Park or the LDS, I can't remember which.

Mild language warning at the end.


Christopher said...

The mild language at the end almost made me poop my pants with hilarity.

Scotte Hodel said...

"Mommy, Daddy is watching South Park"

Dum dum dum dum dum

A beautiful work of docudrama.

Anonymous said...

I can't condone the South Park episode because of its language, but they sure got it right about Mormonism. (That one has been out about four years now.)

Now, for application - that is, how Mormon thinking affects a President, check out

Like Mormonism, the blog isn't what it seems.

No bad language, but a lot of funny photos!