WINNERS: Tom Jackson manages to win twice in one caption contest. His first caption:
We ordered it from eBaby.
And then Rick left this caption:
Are those things biodegradable?
To which Tom Jackson responded:
Oh, you meant the packing peanuts?
Ivan Walters: Now darn it, where is that owners manual?!
TrueVyne: While making good on her threat, Jane was pleased to find out the gypsies
could reimburse her with Paypal
Jeff the Baptist: After the storks unionized, God was forced to go with a different subcontractor for baby deliveries.
After the storks unionized, God was forced to go with a different subcontractor for baby deliveries.
The 21st century version of "my parents found me under a cabbage plant."
Cardboard Box Gives Birth to Human Baby. The Box is still recovering after a dramatic c-section.
Mail order bride companies are expanding to the ever growing adoption market.
We ordered it from eBaby.
Are those things biodegradable?
Oh, you meant the packing peanuts?
The Next Day Delivery
What Can Brown Do For You?
Your Baby...Delivered
Ivan Walters says:
Now darn it, where is that owners manual?!
Mary wrapped him in styrofoam and laid him in the carton because there was no room for them in first class.
Brown is the new stork
While making good on her threat, Jane was pleased to find out the gypsies
could reimburse her with Paypal
The UMC itineracy process affects the whole family!
When it absolutely, positively has to be there tomorrow!
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