Sunday, April 19, 2009

Art Blogging: Boris Vallejo

If you've ever glanced at a fantasy novel, you've seen the artwork of Boris Vallejo (1941- ), a Peruvian-American painter. Dropping out of medical school, he studied at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes in Lima. Vallejo immigrated to the United States in 1964 and thrived as a commercial illustrator for science fiction and fantasy novels. His characters are larger than life -- strong and brave hypermasculine men and sexy and seductive hyperfeminine women. Vallejo's appeal lies in his depiction of humanity at its epic best.

Vallejo married one of his models, bodybuilder Julie Bell, who herself has become a talented and prolific fantasy artist.

Warning: Vallejo's work often crosses the line into eroticism, so you may wish to click with care.

The Iron Warrior

The Broken Wing

Detail from promotional poster for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie.


James R. Rummel said...

Good post.


Kevin said...

I like Boris's work, but my preference has always been Frank Frazetta.

John said...

That's a good idea. I'll do him soon.

JD said...

This is nice, by Julie.

Spiderman vs LizardPAX

Tom Jackson said...

Here is some more art you may appreciate.

John said...

Thanks, Tom. But is it safe to click on a website with the url ""?

Tom Jackson said...

In this case, yes; I don't know why he calls it that, unless it's an "emperor's new clothes" type of allusion.

Of course, it may look rather odd in your employer's Web server logs, so you might want to wait until you get home.