Friday, April 10, 2009

The Value of Running

Jeff the Baptist on the importance of being able to run:

It always amazes me when self-proclaimed serious self-defense enthusiasts are fifty or more pounds overweight. Some of them smoke like chimneys. Now I'm no pro athlete, but I try to keep myself somewhat healthy. Why? Because the first skill you want to have down for self defense is running away. Hotfoot your ass out of trouble. I can do that. My knees will be sore the next day, but the alternative is even less appealing.

A couple of weeks ago, my wife burst into the apartment gym where I was running, and told me that the baby was running a 104 temperature. So I ran back to the apartment to get her ready to go to the ER. And later I thought "This is exactly why I run -- so that I can run when I absolutely have to." There's no substitute for the ability to move quickly in an emergency.

This is also why I have my rule about shoes: I only wear shoes that I can run in, hence my 'no flip-flops' moratorium. You never know when you're going to have to run, so always be ready to do so.


bob said...

Not to mention feeling so much better going about your day to day activities.

JD said...

Also helpful when chasing your 5 year old around the sports field before an evening Good Friday service.


John said...

Yep. Always need that energy.

Brian Vinson said...

Though there is something to be said for adrenaline...

Once when I was in high school, a girl was hit by a car by the school. There were several people there to help her, and i was sent to get help (this was in the pre-cell phone days). I was running as fast as I could (I was a pretty fast runner), when all of a sudden I was passed by a slow, fat, lineman from the football team, who was also running to get help...

doodlebugmom said...

hope your little peanut was ok.

I live in the boonies, i wear good shoes and keep gas in my car.

Theresa Coleman said...

Yes, I hope the baby is OK. The fever thing is scary.

Need update on baby.

John said...

Baby is all well now. It was just a bug that she picked up somewhere, and it faded quickly. Thanks for asking.