You probably won't hear much about this news story because ten students weren't slaughtered by lunatics. That's why it's important to give it as much publicity as possible and point out that armed, trained, responsible citizens prevent crime.
The men who attempted to rob, rape and possibly murder these students were not lunatics. They did not have a mental problem. They were criminals. And from what information is available, they intended to murder the entire group of students.
Each of these students owe their lives to the student who acted to save his life and the lives of everyone else in that room. If one has ever had to face a similar extreme threat to oneself or if a family member has faced such danger, the rational for having a weapon available is inescapable. In this case, a student armed and prepared to act decisively prevented a mere crime from becoming a tragedy.
The men who attempted to rob, rape and possibly murder these students were not lunatics. They did not have a mental problem. They were criminals. And from what information is available, they intended to murder the entire group of students.
Each of these students owe their lives to the student who acted to save his life and the lives of everyone else in that room. If one has ever had to face a similar extreme threat to oneself or if a family member has faced such danger, the rational for having a weapon available is inescapable. In this case, a student armed and prepared to act decisively prevented a mere crime from becoming a tragedy.
Good correction, Earl. These were not lunatics. They were just plain evil.
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