Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bombshell to be Released Tomorrow at The Zeray Gazette

Jeff the Baptist and I, posing as a pimp and a transgendered prostitute, conducted an undercover investigation. See what was captured by our hidden camera when we visited the Payne Hollow corporate offices. You're be shocked!


Tomorrow morning.

At The Zeray Gazette.

UPDATE: In retrospect, this is shady form of journalism that I should not engage in. I have no idea why I let Jeff talk me into it, or into those stiletto heels. Dan emails to inform me of his own undercover, hidden-camera investigation of The Zeray Gazette, and I think that we can both agree that we should both put away our video tapes and address the larger issues of public policy, rather than try to dig up dirt on each other.


Allan R. Bevere said...

I am on the edge of my seat! Can't wait until tomorrow.

Jeff the Baptist said...

You think you can't wait...

Dan Trabue said...


I object!

Those were just summer interns and not even regular employees!

Dan Trabue said...

I think that we can both agree that we should both put away our video tapes

By the way, Video tapes?? What decade are you living in, man?

What's a "video tape" and what does it have to do with my digital expose of the Zeray Gazette actually being a front for Zombie Sympathizers?