Sunday, November 13, 2005

Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup # 39

Here's the week in review in the Methodist blogosphere:

Andy Bryan wrote about standards for church membership.

At Bandits No More, Richard Heyduck wrote about attendance statistics and Steve Heyduck wrote about Pat Robertson.

Beth Quick wrote about clergy financial training.

Betty Newman blogged about importance in the Kingdom and compartmentalizing life.

At Blogging Methodists, Theresa Coleman wrote about standards for membership at a UMC megachurch.

Brian Russell blogged about being willing to serve Christ in struggling congregations and holiness as a force which doesn't just maintain institutions, but transforms the world.

Chett Pritchett is mourning for Beth Stroud and the UMC.

Church Medic wrote that after voting, he felt like he needed to take a bath. So he did.

David Camphouse blogged about the preparations that he has made for lectionary preaching.

Derek Tang wrote about [ed. - yawn] the NFL.

Donald Sensing blogged about Veteran's Day and jihadism in the French riots.

Steve Heyduck wrote about how God uses discomfort in your life and asked how car chases qualify as news.

Gerry Charlotte Phelps blogged about Christian cohabitation.

Greg Crofford wrote about the affects of the Fall and its political implications (Best of the Methodist blogosphere!) and secessionists in Vermont.

Greg Lee wrote a remarkable parable (Best of the Methodist blogosphere!) and fondly remembered the ministry of Billy Graham.

Inside Mike's Head blogged about the heavy duty of serving in the ordained ministry.

James Spring wrote about his church's work to help people hit by a tornado.

Jay Voorhees blogged about the meaning of membership.

John Wilks wrote about free will.

Jonathon Norman delivered his last sermon at his current church. He also continued a series of posts about the teachings of theologian Stephen Long.

Josh Tinley wrote that UMC bishops critical of the war in Iraq should offer alternatives and upcoming elections in Tennessee.

Just As I Am blogged about holding back one's total devotion to God.

Ken Carter wrote about listening to radio show host Ira Glass.

Larry Hollon blogged about decision 1032.

Maobi wrote about Al Qaeda's fatwa against Queen Elizabeth, the differences between official Islam and real Islam, Malaysian restrictions on Internet cafes, and the ongoing Islamic riots in France.

Craig Moore said that the UMC approach to homosexuality is confusing.

Bah humbug! Michael Daniel is sick of Christmas. He also wrote about Christian hate and confronting llawlessness.

Mike Lamson wrote about the indefinable longing that God has placed in his heart.

Pjeffy blogged about what the movement can offer the UMC.

Dan Gates insisted on Methodists holding their leaders accountable.

Randy Graves wrote about a trip to the country, including an amusing anecdote about a gun-toting grandmother.

Lorna Koskela blogged about Father's Day, what a disabled little girl taught her, spiritual gifts, and the imperative of transformation for the Christian.

Shawn Richardson is returning from Iraq.

Brett Royal wrote about the meaning of "Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors."

Parbar West blessed our veterans and wrote about the origins of Veterans' Day and what political responsibility Christians have.

TNRambler speculated about the source of problems in the UMC (Best of the Methodist blogosphere!).

Tony Mitchell wrote about using our talents wisely.

Padre Complex blogged about how he will vote on a referendum on gay marriage.

Shane Raynor wrote about UMC bishops calling for the US to withdraw from Iraq.

Additions? Corrections? Do you know of a blog that should be added to the MBWR? Leave a note in the comments or e-mail locustsandhoney2005 at yahoo dot com!

UPDATE: Padre Complex link fixed (see comments) and Randy Graves' blog added.


Derek said...

John, I said way back when I started doing my personal recaps of the NFL that it'd be a weekly post, so you don't have to include it in the listing if you don't want to. You especially don't have to include it with the little "yawn" jab. Thanks for the mention anyway. In case you missed it, there were other posts as well. I just don't feel a need to wax poetic or deep theological as often as others.

John said...

Sorry, Derek. I didn't mean for that to come across as rude. It was meant as a general jab at the realm of pro sports. I read far more boring posts than yours in the MBWR.

John said...


You've got the wrong link to Padre Complex- when you click it, it takes you to Tony Mitchell.

John said...

Thanks, John, Randy! I've made the corrections.