When I started shaving at the age of 14, I used disposable two-bladed
Gillettes, just like my father did. I usually wore some form of razor burn until about five years ago when a friend gave me a Gillette Mach 3. I've used it ever since. The three blades get everything in one or two strokes, it's easily washed out, and the flexible blades and hinged head make it a very accurate razor.
I also have a
Schick Quattro, but I find that the closed back to the Schick prevents me from effectively cleaning the blades between strokes, and the excess width makes it less maneuverable in tight corners.
So I still use the Mach 3 as my razor of choice.
What do you shave with?
I use the Quattro. It is definitely harder to clean than other razors, but this has actually made me shave more often -- I've found it easier to clean a razor if I shave every two days as opposed to once a week.
Mach 3, baby.
I use a Norelco electric razor with lots of 'Lectric Shave. If I shave every day I will get razor burn no matter what I use, but the Norelco / green stuff combo works best on my neck.
If I use a blade it's a Mach 3.
I use a single-bladed safety razor...$0.17 blades FTW! My razor is Merkur Progress, its adjustable. It takes a little time and patience to learn the correct shaving technique (no haphardly swiping across the face like a pivoting cartridge razor) but the shave can be incredible. But really more important is the lather: traditional shave soap or cream applied with a shaving brush can give you some astonishing shaves, no matter what razor you use. I've even done a few videos on it for my youtube channel (www.youtube.com/user/mantic59). Also check out the traditional shaving sub-culture at web forums like shavemyface.com, badgerandblade.com, and theshaveden.com.
I'm use a Norelco shaver as well. If I need a razor shave, my barber does an excellent job.
I am a female, and honey, you do NOT want to know!
Have any of you ever shaved with a straight razor?
The new five bladed thingy from Gillette. After four years of compulsory shaving in the Army, I only shave three times a week. I shave right out of the shower, and just refrain from drying my face or neck until I shave. In other words, I use a hot wet razor and a wet face. Save time and cost of shaving cream.
Honestly, I have some sort of beard throughout the year. I think I take a pick of my 2.5 month-old monstrosity and post it on my site. You grow one of these babies, you can use the same razor for a year.
Norelco Cool Skin water-proof. Gets the face and the ol' noggin nice and smooth in four minutes flat and cleans in 20 seconds.
The Loving Husband shaves at least once a day and on occasion twice a day. I bought him a new Braun Series 7 for Christmas, as the Series 5 was wonderful but didn't last long enough.
Since he has to shave so often, we HAVE to not economize. If for some reason he has to shave with a normal razor, he will use an entire bag of Bics in like two days, so we keep a Quattro in reserve. The first time he borrowed my Lady Bics I wondered if he was shaving off rebar or something.
I shave my head and have found the Mach3 to do the best job without turning it into a blood sport.
Mach 3. My wife also uses a Mach 3 for her womanly shaving needs.
For my face, I use the Gilette Sensor 3 disposables, as I can usually find them for cheaper than replacement cartidges for the regular handle.
I've tried the Quattros and Mach3s, and they feel like they're mounted to 2x4's they're so large.
During the warm/hot months here in Texas, I keep my head shaved, and I will mostly use a Headblade handle that uses Gillette Atra replacement cartridges. It's much faster than using a razor with a long handle, but really only works well on the convex dome of the skull, not so much on face/neck.
I have a double-edge "safety" razor (used to be my fathers when he was in the army) and it does a good job of shaving (closer than a normal) but you can't go as fast... have to take your time or you end up with serious shaving nicks.
As for shaving cream/gel, I use whatever is on sale since my prefered gel is no longer produced.
I shave while I'm in the shower.
To answer your second question, John, I've always wanted to get a shave with a straight razor. There's a place in Buckhead (Atlanta-ish, for those not familiar) that does it. I'm not sure how much it costs, nor am I sure it's worth the drive. I might stop by next time I'm in the area, though, just to say I've done it.
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