Monday, February 28, 2005

Negativity in Blogging

This post by Jeff the Baptist really hit home. My blogging has been very negative of late. It's part and parcel of the medium of blogging, as I said in Jeff's comments. But it's also a sin to dwell upon the ill and not the good, and I've slidden into it. I left a needlessly snarky comment on Beth Quick's blog, for which she appropriately rebuked me. Then I slammed Rick Warren in this post, even though his writing doesn't deserve such brutal criticism.

It's easy to use blogging as a forum for complaining about all of the ills of the world, and to point the finger at everyone else as fools or sinners, and to ignore my own faults. But as a Christian, I'm not supposed to, and I've resolved to improve. Tom McGuire is on the right track here, so although I had planned on fisking Agent Mosely's post on Michael Moore, as well as ALA president-elect's column on blogging, I think that I'm going to look for what is right with the world, instead of what is wrong.

1 comment:

Beth Quick said...

don't be too hard on yourself. it's always hard to read tone of voice in a blog - a positive and negative feature, i suppose! besides, a blog is a place where you should be able to vent to a certain extent, isn't it? i guess we're all still experimenting with this medium - at least i am - trying to figure out what impact it has when you randomly post thoughts about anything and everything for others to read. what a strange thing it is...