Saturday, May 07, 2005

Born to Rebel

Patri Friedman:

But perhaps there is - for I have some evidence that libertarianism can be genetic. While my father is a libertarian, I was raised by my apolitical mother. Before I knew anything about the philosophy, or that my father was an adherent, before I’d ever heard of the Libertarian Party, I was arguing against censorship, against taxes, and for libertarian natural rights. In fact, I didn’t really start exploring my political beliefs until after college, before that I was just verbalizing my (extremely libertarian) political intuitions.

Doubtful. But I do think that as much as libertarianism is a rational response to the world, it is also an emotive response, predicated upon fear. Fear of government, fear of power, fear of force. Libertarianism isn't just a political philosophy, it's a mindset, and not easily confined to the sphere of politics. Or Star Trek conventions.

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