Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Doctrinal Hair-Splitting: Get a Life

Via Jeff the Baptist comes Messy Christian's disdain for Christians who are obsessed over theological minutiae:

The weirdest thing is, these group of bloggers are so blind in their fervour and conviction that they're doing God's work by making sure others walk the doctrinally pure path, and that they've interpreted God's word the right way, that they don't see how they are behaving. They must think that as long as the sacred doctrine is untarnished, if they hurt a few hearts along the way - so be it! It's for their own good anyway, right?

Well put. There is little gained by casting out those who disagree with you on minor points. And I don't recall Jesus getting into hair-splitting arguments with the Pharisees over Hebrew participles. He is more concerned with love, grace, and repentance.

Read the whole post.

1 comment:

John said...

I'm not sure what to make of that comment.

But considering the emoticon, I suppose that it is meant as an expression of your dislike of doctrinal obsession.