Friday, July 08, 2005

Lutheran Blogger Profile

A Technorati search led me to this post, where one 'Josh S' shamelessly stole my Blogger Profile questions and wrote one for himself. The results are hilarious. Here are two:

If you could affect one major change in the governing of your country, what would it be?
I would put all the Democrats and half the Republicans on a rocket and launch them into the sun.


What talent would you most like to have?
Wow, that's tough. Part of me wants to be able to fly, and the other part wants to be able to shoot lasers out of my eyes. I guess I'll split the difference and say I'd like to be a really good dancer.

The whole post is more shocking than it is funny. I had no idea that Missouri Synod Lutherans came equipped with a sense of humor. Maybe it's an after market thing.

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