Friday, August 26, 2005

Pulling the Strings Behind the Scenes

Glenn Reynolds links to a fascinating ABC News investigation into the public relations firm directing the Cindy Sheehan protest in Crawford, Texas. In the same post, Reynolds copies an e-mail that he received, suggesting (tongue-in-cheek, certainly) that Karl Rove is behind Sheehan. It's worth a read if for no other reason than it has a Star Trek reference:

Second, liberal interest groups are getting their hopes up once again, as they have after every so-called Bush implosion. Hardcore Democrats feel liberated and are actively supporting Sheehan, who contemporaneously says things like "AFGHANISTAN was a mistake" and "Get Israel out of Palestine." It's as if the hardcore leftists are so emboldened that even Howard Dean isn't enough for them!

But most of all, he's set an awful sweet trap for some bigger catch. I am sure that he was hoping that some potential Democrat presidential candidates showed up in Crawford. Well, at least someone besides Sharpton. Alas, it looks like he's going to have to wait until her entourage gets to Washington.

It's as if Rove has set the Democrats up with a Kobayashi Maru. If a major Dem goes to Cindy's side, they're doomed as a national candidate. No one in Tennessee or Indiana is going to support someone who agrees with the policy that Afghanistan was a mistake. But if they don't, as Kaus points out, they'll never get nominated by the emboldened left-wing base.

The outcome of the 2008 elections will be determined by which party can do the most damage to itself in the remaining three years. If Cindy Sheehan (or Kos) has her way, it'll be the Democrats.

Star Trek reference explained here. In short: a "Kobayashi Maru" is a no-win senario.


Jeff the Baptist said...

Ah but there is a way to win the no-win scenario. If you can't win, cheat.

John said...

Jeff beat me to it.
