Friday, March 10, 2006


I don't think about abortion much. That's probably because if I did, I would have to face the daily reality that genocide is committed in our country by my friends and neighbors. I'd much rather be a happy German villager pretending that he doesn't know what's going on inside of the barbed-wire compound outside of town.

But pro-life advocates are seeing progress on the horizon, as demonstrated by South Dakota's recent abortion ban. There is now much discussion of the subject in the blogosphere. Jeff notes that men are financially responsible for abortion, but do not get to choose to abort or not. Jonah Goldberg observes that pro-choice folk often refer to opponents of rape and incest exceptions as extremists.

Like Goldberg, I don't follow the argument. If an unborn baby is a human being, he does not give up his right to exist simply because he is the product of rape or incest. Yes, it is a horrible thing for a woman to carry a rape-produced child to term. Does that justify murdering that child? No.



Anonymous said...

As the grandfather of 2 adopted boys I can tell you I thank God every day that their biological mothers did not opt for abortion. My feelings and love for these boys are as strong as if they were blood kin. The fact that abortion is lawful anywhere in this country reveals the pitiful condition of our society.

methodist monk said...

Anyone read freakanomics?

John said...

No, I haven't.