Thursday, March 09, 2006

When I am a Bishop in the United Methodist Church

My brilliant plan to use catapults to remove incompetent pastors has received wide support. I am glad that the blogosphere is beginning to realize the stunning acuity of my mind. Commentor John Flores over at Wesley Daily asked that I start a comment thread on this topic. What would happen if I became a bishop in the UMC? Make your predictions in the comments.


methodist monk said...

Is this before or after the seven plagues? If it is after I am so there! :)

Mark said...

If John were bishop--

1. Mandatory blogging by all full-time elders in his conference
2. At least one of John's favorite pieces of artwork in the foyer of all U.M. churches
3. Stained glass depictions of Jesus holding a lamb would have to be replaced by a rabbit
4. District training events would include sessions on "Proper Ways to Catapult Inept Pastors"

gavin richardson said...

john would lead the cause for full inclusion of the glfr (gerbal, llama, ferrets, & rabbits) into the umc..

nickname: bishop bunny

rev-ed said...

Bishop John? I've seen worse...