Monday, October 09, 2006

Eucharistic Craving

Lorna Koskela wrote of a recent Eucharist:

Mia the pastor there makes her own communion bread, and gives everyone a sizeable chunk, which means it’s never hurried. You need to take your time to chew and savour the bread.

At my two most recent churches, we practice communion through intinction using leavened bread. Most people take a snippet of bread between their finger and thumb. It's just a personal choice, but I like to take a chunk of it. Not half the loaf, but a piece about the size of my thumb.

I need more than a sliver of grace in the Lord's Supper. Such is my total depravity that I need more than a little bit of bread to soak up my sinful nature; more than a droplet of blood to blanche out my wicked disposition and make my wedding garment clean.

Lately, when our pastor presents the elements, I'm suddenly struck with a deep hunger in my belly. And it's not that it's 11:45; I see the elements of grace and I need them. And I know that I need them intensively.


Sally said...

Lately, when our pastor presents the elements, I'm suddenly struck with a deep hunger in my belly. And it's not that it's 11:45; I see the elements of grace and I need them. And I know that I need them intensively.

amen- I wonder if it is part of preparing for ordained ministry- but each time I take and eat, I am reduced to tears!

Adam Caldwell said...

well put...I like to get a whole big chunk of Jesus too!

Anonymous said...

In my church, after the communion service, the children line up to receive "the left over" bread from communion includding the communion juice. I see children running to their sunday school classes with a morsel of bread. What a joy to see that nothing is wasted and the bread is shared for all.