Blogging has been light today, and probably will be tomorrow. I have a big paper to write on narrative Biblical criticism, and it's taking away time from more important things, like blogging and watching Star Trek.
WINNER: Tom Ream:
With her lead foot, lightning quick reflexes, and Interior Castle nobody could touch Sister Teresa at the Avila Carnival.
asbury park
What sound do these cars make? Nununununununununun.
The fair is alive, with the sound of ... squealing!
(love the nun on the left's face!)
It used to be a slap of your hand with the ruler...now if you misbehave, the nuns get to run you over
At last an answer to the question, "What do you do with a girl like Maria?"
The sisters reveal another bad habit...
With her lead foot, lightning quick reflexes, and Interior Castle nobody could touch Sister Teresa at the Avila Carnival.
Holy Riders
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