Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Question of the Day

Could you vote for an atheist for public office?



Anonymous said...


DannyG said...

Depends on the office. But, in general, yes. If someone can do the job with honesty and integrety his or her personal faith is irrelevant. I probably have the hardest time with President/VP. I want that person to acknowledge something beyond themselves, something eternal, and to know that they are accountable not just to the voters.

Dan Trabue said...

Is he a Democrat or a Republican? Gay or straight? I need more details!!

Allan R. Bevere said...

It depends... What kind of BBQ does s/he like?

Dan Trabue said...

Could you vote for an atheist for public office?

Hmmm, my hunch would be that, for a good number of Christians, they couldn't vote for the vast majority of Christians for public office, let alone an atheist.

John said...

I would, provided that the candidate was not a militant atheist and his/her political views coincided with mine.

Of course, I'm coming from the perspective of having been an atheist. I would have no objections to being governed by the John of six years ago.

DannyG wrote:

I want that person to acknowledge something beyond themselves, something eternal, and to know that they are accountable not just to the voters.

I don't get the sense that most Christian politicians feel that they are accountable to any power, earthly or eternal. So a politician's faith just isn't much of a selling point.

Debbie Andrews said...

I would probably vote for an atheist. How do we really know what is in a man's (or woman's) heart? The faith issue during election time is so distressing for me as it is so obvious it is just a vote-getting tactic.

We just need to avoid electing the kooks - Christians and otherwise.