Well, maybe The Kid runs this studio -a private kindergarten run by The Kid. Maybe it's named after Cheung Po the Kid, a pirate from the 1800's. Maybe it's dedicated to increasing the number of pirates in an effort to decrease global warming. Such a worthy goal!
Because surely in these competitive days of economic hardship, an educational institution would at least get the spelling checked before paying for a sign.
That site is classic. My biggest pet peave in grammar is the improper use of your instead of you're. I have some very well educated friends that screw this up on a regular basis. {:^o
Maybe there is only one kid there.
Well, maybe The Kid runs this studio -a private kindergarten run by The Kid. Maybe it's named after Cheung Po the Kid, a pirate from the 1800's. Maybe it's dedicated to increasing the number of pirates in an effort to decrease global warming. Such a worthy goal!
Because surely in these competitive days of economic hardship, an educational institution would at least get the spelling checked before paying for a sign.
I worked for eight years on a job where, in the locker room, there was a bumper sticker that read "Are We Having Fun Yet!"
It haunts me to this day.
That site is classic. My biggest pet peave in grammar is the improper use of your instead of you're. I have some very well educated friends that screw this up on a regular basis. {:^o
Oh, yea, and why that specific, less used spelling of enroll? Is it a Floridian thing?
Your absolutely right about this. I cant stand it when people misuse they're apostraphe's!
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