Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Question of the Day

Jockeystreet lists the 72 books that he considers to be the most influential to him. Among his authors are Noam Chomsky, Jack Keroauc, Saul Alinsky, Peter Singer, and Soren Kierkegaard. I think that this is a simply fascinating exercise. I would provide my own list, but I think that it's largely redundant after these posts.

What books have been the most influential to your thinking?

UPDATE: Blogger links are acting up again, so you may have to edit the links in your URL bar.

UPDATE x2: Okay, the links appear to work now.


Aaron Mandelbaum said...

Being and Time
Gravity's Rainbow

bob said...

It may sound funny but The golden age of science fiction an anthology of short stories from the forties.

I hadn't really read anything for pleasure for quite a while when I picked this up at the drugstore. It kick started me first with more Scifi. Later while looking around at the library I started picking up presidential biographies, and various other works.

So while the my choice is kind of trivial it helped me find a lost love.

Keith Taylor said...

The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan has had more of an effect on my life and thinking than any other book other than the King James Bible.

I would have to say that Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis weigh pretty heavily in there as well.

Finally, Animal Farm and 1984 by George Orwell probably did more to open my eyes to the evils of Communism and Statism. There was a time when I was young that "communial thinking" didn't seem all that bad. In fact, it was disguised as almost Christian. Then I read these two books in junior high school and I saw the error of my ways.